Stand Up Comedy: The First Five

Stand Up Comedy: The First Five

8 Weeks
  • Level: Beginner
    • Age: 18+
    • Prerequisites: None; NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED
    • Length: 8 weeks
    • Price: Early Bird Registration $310; Late Registration $360

Upcoming Sessions:

  • FALL: Begins Monday September 23, 2024, 6:30pm - 9:00pm - NEW - Late registration pricing is $360 & begins Sept 1, 2024

Who it’s for: Always dreamed of doing stand up but don’t know where to start? Or do you have some training and want to develop your persona and material further? This warm and welcoming class will show you how to find your own authentic humor.

What it’s about: Using exercises designed to help you find your own funny, experienced and kind instructor Rico Bruce Wade will guide you through the process of creating a short stand up routine in a welcoming and safe environment.

Topics Include:

· Finding your stage persona

· Fundamentals of the joke

· Developing your story

· Mechanics of the comedy stage and business

· And a lot more!

You’ll walk away with: A five minute stand up routine that you could use at an open mic, or amuse your family at holiday gatherings, and the confidence that comes from trying something new. The last day of class is a showcase and you can invite your family and friends to cheer you on as you perform 5 minutes of stand up comedy.

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